Vow and Agreement Completion and Release
Sometimes, as part of and during a Personal Cleaning, you might have a vow or agreement come up for release. Usually, the energy movement for cleaning stops until the vow or agreement is addressed. Frequently the most effective and efficient means to change our reality and reclaim sovereignty is to complete and release vows and agreements.
We have assisted many people in completing and releasing their agreements during their Personal Cleaning session regardless of whether that was the main focus of the session. In our work with people, we have found that completing and releasing agreements is one of the most powerful and impactful techniques for removing limitation quickly and easily.
We create our reality through spiritual contracts, vows, and agreements. We were required to make many of these agreements by the beings controlling the incarnation grid. These are original “entry agreements” that beings coming to assist earth and her people are forced to make in order to gain entry into this system and be allowed to incarnate here. In his article "Tell the 'Lords' of Karma That You Are Sovereign", Cameron Day states that "Many of us came here from what [he] calls “The Free Universe” to help dismantle the demiurgic system from within, and the liararchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these “Free Souls” in order to limit their effectiveness."
There are also many agreements that we have made or vows that we have taken as the result of previous life experiences when we chose to restrict and limit our expression to avoid any similar experiences in the future. And then there are many agreements we have taken to voluntarily experience various forms of limitation.
So how do you tell when you have a vow or agreement ready for completion and release? One way is to look for any persistent negative or detrimental patterns of thought, action or emotion that continue despite the application of other modalities for change. A second way is to inquire of your inner guidance whether or not you have any vows or agreements that you can release at this time. A third method is to identify places within your body or energy field that seem “stuck”, or where energy doesn’t flow well, or seems to drain away.
Kameha is especially skilled in the ability to "hear" from your Higher Self the precise wording of the vows and agreements you have taken and that now can be completed and released. We often work together to get the exact wording for the original agreement or vow, that when released is the linchpin for helping to dismantle a particular structure of reality or limiting pattern of belief. It is important when stating the vow or agreement release statement (see below) to do it with conviction–like you mean it. Just reading a revocation statement is frequently not enough to get the job done. As Cameron says, "We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire."
The process we follow for breaking agreements uses a formula with precise words included specifically for that individual. Some well-constructed general agreement breaks are useful to almost everyone, such as the Awaken Vow Break on our Self-Cleaning Tools page and the Spiritual contract removal templates by Andrew Bartzis. However, we recommend to avoid the use of "not" and "never" when using your own or someone else's template. See our blog on this topic "Avoid Getting Tied Up in Not's".
When we feel stuck energy in ourselves or a client, one of the first things we check for is any specifically worded vows or agreements that may be up for release. We then listen for the specific wording from your Higher Self, and use it in the formula below.
The agreement completion and release formula we use follows this format:
"By the power and force of my will and by my authority as a sovereign being, I slip and release any and all agreements that I, or anyone else in this body, has ever made consciously or unconsciously to <insert specific wording here >.
I declare all these agreements now fulfilled and complete in this and in all my incarnations across all space and time, all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems, all dimensions, and in the Void. And so it is!"
The vow break formula we use follows this format:
"By the power and force of my will and by my authority as a sovereign being, I rescind any and all vows that I, or anyone else in this body, has ever made consciously or unconsciously to <insert specific wording here >.
I declare all these vows now null and void in this and in all my incarnations across all space and time, all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems, all dimensions, and in the Void. And so it is!"
An example of an agreement that many people have and may wish to break is:
"By the power and force of my will and by my authority as a sovereign being, I slip and release any and all agreements that I, or anyone else in this body, has ever made consciously or unconsciously to allow myself to be constrained by the limitation of my choices.
I declare all these agreements now complete in this and in all my incarnations across all space and time, all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems, all dimensions, and in the Void. And so it is!"
Immediately after the agreement release procedure is complete (and sometimes even before or during it), the person breaking the agreement will begin to shed limiting energies, entities, thought forms, and emotions that have supported, maintained or perpetuated the agreement or vow. We call this “off-gassing”, and cleaning/transmuting all of this material is an important part of the process. When in a session with us, this off-gassing gets handled by our wings. When doing it yourself, you will need to address it with the Entity Release process described in the Tools section.
Although it is possible to learn to get the precise wording of vows and agreements on one's own, this should always be done with impeccability and the direct guidance of your Higher Self. For it to work well, it requires the ability to discern whether or not you're getting information from your Higher Self, or some entity that doesn't have your highest good in mind. It requires the ability to receive words from your Higher Self and the ability to check the language for accuracy and completeness.
If you think you have a specific agreement to release, first try to locate where it is in your body, and then try to get the words for it by asking your Higher Self for the exact words. With practice you can develop a feel for when it’s right. Use the formula above with your specific words inserted, and see if you feel a release. If not, try getting the words again, and slip that one. If you get really stuck, you may want to schedule a session with us. We are also happy to provide more specific instructions on how to do this in a consulting session.
You might ask, “Why do vows and agreements come up for release over time?” Why can’t we just break them or complete them all at once? The answer is often to do with one’s individual journey and reason for coming to Earth in the first place. In our experience, our Higher Selves have a particular timing on the release of many of these agreements, frequently to keep us in alignment with the planetary process. Even though we may have been aware of the patterns long before, the vows or agreements necessary to address the issue “come up” or become available for release only at a specific point in time.
Also, it’s very easy to get stuck in focusing on what’s wrong with us instead of what’s right with us. The opposing consciousness really would like to keep our focus on being limited recovering humans, instead of the vast multidimensional masters we really are. We believe that there is a positive benefit to every so-called flaw we identify about ourselves. For example, people who are co-dependent also have a very acute awareness of our interconnectedness, which has been twisted by the control system into a flaw we call co-dependency.
Although the agreement making process may include many forms of copies, backups, or mirrors; we believe that the agreement completion and release process using the format listed above contains within it all the necessary inclusions required to meet the objective. When you complete the original agreement, all copies are included. If a copy of an agreement could be valid after the original is completed, then copy after copy could be made and one would never be able to completely free themselves of the contract.
For assistance with Vows and Agreements, you may schedule a Personal Cleaning. Please see the Schedule a Session page for details on scheduling a Personal Cleaning session.
We have assisted many people in completing and releasing their agreements during their Personal Cleaning session regardless of whether that was the main focus of the session. In our work with people, we have found that completing and releasing agreements is one of the most powerful and impactful techniques for removing limitation quickly and easily.
We create our reality through spiritual contracts, vows, and agreements. We were required to make many of these agreements by the beings controlling the incarnation grid. These are original “entry agreements” that beings coming to assist earth and her people are forced to make in order to gain entry into this system and be allowed to incarnate here. In his article "Tell the 'Lords' of Karma That You Are Sovereign", Cameron Day states that "Many of us came here from what [he] calls “The Free Universe” to help dismantle the demiurgic system from within, and the liararchy imposed an extensive list of coerced agreements upon these “Free Souls” in order to limit their effectiveness."
There are also many agreements that we have made or vows that we have taken as the result of previous life experiences when we chose to restrict and limit our expression to avoid any similar experiences in the future. And then there are many agreements we have taken to voluntarily experience various forms of limitation.
So how do you tell when you have a vow or agreement ready for completion and release? One way is to look for any persistent negative or detrimental patterns of thought, action or emotion that continue despite the application of other modalities for change. A second way is to inquire of your inner guidance whether or not you have any vows or agreements that you can release at this time. A third method is to identify places within your body or energy field that seem “stuck”, or where energy doesn’t flow well, or seems to drain away.
Kameha is especially skilled in the ability to "hear" from your Higher Self the precise wording of the vows and agreements you have taken and that now can be completed and released. We often work together to get the exact wording for the original agreement or vow, that when released is the linchpin for helping to dismantle a particular structure of reality or limiting pattern of belief. It is important when stating the vow or agreement release statement (see below) to do it with conviction–like you mean it. Just reading a revocation statement is frequently not enough to get the job done. As Cameron says, "We need to be consciously engaging this process using the force of our will to effect the changes we desire."
The process we follow for breaking agreements uses a formula with precise words included specifically for that individual. Some well-constructed general agreement breaks are useful to almost everyone, such as the Awaken Vow Break on our Self-Cleaning Tools page and the Spiritual contract removal templates by Andrew Bartzis. However, we recommend to avoid the use of "not" and "never" when using your own or someone else's template. See our blog on this topic "Avoid Getting Tied Up in Not's".
When we feel stuck energy in ourselves or a client, one of the first things we check for is any specifically worded vows or agreements that may be up for release. We then listen for the specific wording from your Higher Self, and use it in the formula below.
The agreement completion and release formula we use follows this format:
"By the power and force of my will and by my authority as a sovereign being, I slip and release any and all agreements that I, or anyone else in this body, has ever made consciously or unconsciously to <insert specific wording here >.
I declare all these agreements now fulfilled and complete in this and in all my incarnations across all space and time, all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems, all dimensions, and in the Void. And so it is!"
The vow break formula we use follows this format:
"By the power and force of my will and by my authority as a sovereign being, I rescind any and all vows that I, or anyone else in this body, has ever made consciously or unconsciously to <insert specific wording here >.
I declare all these vows now null and void in this and in all my incarnations across all space and time, all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems, all dimensions, and in the Void. And so it is!"
An example of an agreement that many people have and may wish to break is:
"By the power and force of my will and by my authority as a sovereign being, I slip and release any and all agreements that I, or anyone else in this body, has ever made consciously or unconsciously to allow myself to be constrained by the limitation of my choices.
I declare all these agreements now complete in this and in all my incarnations across all space and time, all parallel realities and parallel universes, all alternate realities and alternate universes, all planetary systems, all source systems, all dimensions, and in the Void. And so it is!"
Immediately after the agreement release procedure is complete (and sometimes even before or during it), the person breaking the agreement will begin to shed limiting energies, entities, thought forms, and emotions that have supported, maintained or perpetuated the agreement or vow. We call this “off-gassing”, and cleaning/transmuting all of this material is an important part of the process. When in a session with us, this off-gassing gets handled by our wings. When doing it yourself, you will need to address it with the Entity Release process described in the Tools section.
Although it is possible to learn to get the precise wording of vows and agreements on one's own, this should always be done with impeccability and the direct guidance of your Higher Self. For it to work well, it requires the ability to discern whether or not you're getting information from your Higher Self, or some entity that doesn't have your highest good in mind. It requires the ability to receive words from your Higher Self and the ability to check the language for accuracy and completeness.
If you think you have a specific agreement to release, first try to locate where it is in your body, and then try to get the words for it by asking your Higher Self for the exact words. With practice you can develop a feel for when it’s right. Use the formula above with your specific words inserted, and see if you feel a release. If not, try getting the words again, and slip that one. If you get really stuck, you may want to schedule a session with us. We are also happy to provide more specific instructions on how to do this in a consulting session.
You might ask, “Why do vows and agreements come up for release over time?” Why can’t we just break them or complete them all at once? The answer is often to do with one’s individual journey and reason for coming to Earth in the first place. In our experience, our Higher Selves have a particular timing on the release of many of these agreements, frequently to keep us in alignment with the planetary process. Even though we may have been aware of the patterns long before, the vows or agreements necessary to address the issue “come up” or become available for release only at a specific point in time.
Also, it’s very easy to get stuck in focusing on what’s wrong with us instead of what’s right with us. The opposing consciousness really would like to keep our focus on being limited recovering humans, instead of the vast multidimensional masters we really are. We believe that there is a positive benefit to every so-called flaw we identify about ourselves. For example, people who are co-dependent also have a very acute awareness of our interconnectedness, which has been twisted by the control system into a flaw we call co-dependency.
Although the agreement making process may include many forms of copies, backups, or mirrors; we believe that the agreement completion and release process using the format listed above contains within it all the necessary inclusions required to meet the objective. When you complete the original agreement, all copies are included. If a copy of an agreement could be valid after the original is completed, then copy after copy could be made and one would never be able to completely free themselves of the contract.
For assistance with Vows and Agreements, you may schedule a Personal Cleaning. Please see the Schedule a Session page for details on scheduling a Personal Cleaning session.